Review: Catching Carly by Emma Hart 4/5


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“My name is Carly Porter… And I’m really good at bad decisions.

How do I know this, exactly? Well, not including the time I accidentally bleached my eyebrows or sprained my ankle changing a lightbulb…
I had sex with my best friend’s brother.
Zeke Elliott has been a thorn in my side for eleven years. A very sexy, very tempting, very freaking annoying one. With big…hands.
And now my clitoris has a crush on the guy.
Seriously. I can’t look at him without my vagina performing accidental kegels. Which would be fine, but he’s Cain’s brother. I hate him. He’s off limits, right?

Being Brooke was an eye opening and mental experience. I feel guilty that I couldn’t give this book the five out of five that Emma Hart’s insightful, awkward, and hilarious inner monologues deserve. The relationship between the main couple were brilliant but a bit stilted, there wasn’t much tension apart from the hovering spectre of the ex ‘Becky’, but she didn’t actually appear once.

Despite the lack of tension and … dare I say, plot, the characters of Carly and Brooke make up for any of that and meant that I left the final page of this book happy with the outcome.

I thoroughly enjoy Emma Hart’s Barley Cross characters, and cannot wait to see where this goes next.


M x

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